flippytale's STASHbusting (works in progress)

I am an artist, so I've started a lot of "good ideas" that have turned out to not be that at all. Some are still good, but I lost momentum by either getting bored with the work or distracted by a new more exciting idea. All of that is okay, but now so many of my UFOs are taking up space. It is time to clear the playing field.... (or be buried under a pile of partially sewn fabric)

Friday, September 22, 2006

UFO's in Boxes

I've been listening to the "Driven to Quilt" pod casts and Nadine's 7th episode about UFO's and was abolutely inpirational!


UFO's in boxes, loved and not forgetten... all my children will grow wings and leave my stash.

Indigo Garden: A completed English Paper Pieced top, Queen Size. I am hand quilting it, it is nearly 50% complete.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Flower Patch: A perpetual project that I add to periodically with scraps from things I've collected or other projects. Not to worried about finishing this one.
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