flippytale's STASHbusting (works in progress)

I am an artist, so I've started a lot of "good ideas" that have turned out to not be that at all. Some are still good, but I lost momentum by either getting bored with the work or distracted by a new more exciting idea. All of that is okay, but now so many of my UFOs are taking up space. It is time to clear the playing field.... (or be buried under a pile of partially sewn fabric)

Friday, April 20, 2007

String Quilt


I decided that I wasn't going to finish this project so I gave all the pieces to our Community Service quilts at Guild and two quilts were made up to give to a local Hospice

Here is one of the quilts that someone created with my pieces, I am so proud that they are finally done!

String Quilt, made from hundreds of 1-1/2" strips I had rolled up on cardboard paper towel tubes that I decided to sew all together, I sewed together 10 yards (yes, TEN) of strips...

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The bits cut from the yardage and stored in a box....

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Blogger yoginicarol said...

Thank you for sharing your process. It helps me & probably others with inspiration & motivation. Deep gratitude!

4:37 AM  

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