flippytale's STASHbusting (works in progress)

I am an artist, so I've started a lot of "good ideas" that have turned out to not be that at all. Some are still good, but I lost momentum by either getting bored with the work or distracted by a new more exciting idea. All of that is okay, but now so many of my UFOs are taking up space. It is time to clear the playing field.... (or be buried under a pile of partially sewn fabric)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lone Star Quilt


Here is the center that I completed at retreat, it is about 60" square. I am still thinking of what to do for the border. I decided to put the bright yellow at the tips to make it glow. The background fabric was picked from another project that I had with me. I couldn't have planned that it would be the background until my star points were done. But, don't the yellow points match perfectly with the lettuce leaves? I am thinking of calling it "Loose Leaf Lettuce".

One of our guild members taught us how to make a lone star, and naturally I had to go for the gigantic size, then I can make it into a bed quilt. She is a really good teacher because many of us had some issues with our project, mine was all slanty and off of the 45, and she could help us correct each problem with ease. Overall it was a great weekend.

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Tomorrow I leave for a three day quilt retreat. It is a small group of us, just us board members from our guild. I can't wait! And, I am so not prepared, I haven't packed a thing! I am so glad I picked out the material for our class already. It will be a lone star pattern. Now I just have to finish my day of work and gather up all my quilting accoutrements so I can have FUN the next three days.

Here is a mockup of what it might look like when I get done....
I took pictures of my fabric and imported them into Adobe Illustrator to create this little picture
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Friday, June 08, 2007

HTML Table for UFO Tracking

I like HTML code, it is simple to rewrite, though a bit primitive compared to all the other fancy web editing programs out there. I and saw a table on Sewprimitive Quilting and really think it would be great for tracking my UFOs, I am putting it here and plugging in my own projects to see if it works. If it does then it may eventually reside on my side bar.


  Project Block Top Sandwich Quilting Binding Status
01) Blue Geometric X  

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Storm at Sea Challenge Quilt

STORM AT SEA CHALLENGE - For for our guild challenge that requires using the "Storm at Sea" block and the theme "Blooms & Birds". Deadline: March 27th, 2007 (Actural journal about this quilt is on my regular blog)

I got the idea to make the block the same size of the quilt. The flowers were modified from Ruth McDowell's book "Pieced Flowers" to fit my block sizes.

August 2007
My quilt was shown in Nashville as part of our guild group challenge.
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Some Technical Notes:
PS, I didn't actually stitch through the tissue paper, I used it to "trace it to memory" a few times before I stitched the real thing. I also had a practice piece that I do a few warm ups on before I got started each time.

Upper Left is an overall sketch, Upper Right is the nub I would practice sewing on, Below are the tissue drawings of how I wanted to quilt.
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Final Push:
The only parts left on my Quilt are

-Quilt the Corner Blocks
-Quilt the Cosmos Blocks
-Quilt the Daylily Blocks
-Quilt the Center Rose
-Embellish above with some clear and gold beads in the centers
-Sew sleave on
-Print & Sew on Label

some sketches of my quilting ideas:

Stipple quilted the background areas, only the blocks of flowers left to do. Sewed on the binding and just moments ago put my final stitch in on that.

Binding Making Progress:
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Free-motion Quilting in background:
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Only part to quilt are the flowers:
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I ripped out stitches from the center so that I could add the center corner blocks. Once it was reassembled I added the two outer sides, I discovered I had sewn the to outside panels on upside down! Bleah!!!

I sewed the two side panels on correctly it was worth the effort. I began sketches of quilting strategy, make the sandwich and get started with the final leg
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Almost done, but I don't like how big the blue corners are in the center, love how the outside corners came out. Means some stich ripping (un-sewing) if I change the center. In the mean time I pinned what might work on the right side of the center. Better with less light blue, I think, but even better after a late lunch.
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I drafted the left and right sides to look like Day Lilies, the top and bottom are Cosmos, and the center is a Rose. All of these flowers were modified from Ruth McDowell's book "Pieced Flowers" to fit my design. So, does that still make that my design, I guess that the overall is, but maybe not the details.

Not sure what I will do in the corners yet. Would like to put a hummingbird in there somewhere too. I am using colors from my scrap bag to piece the backgrounds of the flowers!
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This is what the overall block looks like....
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Some of my patterns and Work in Progress...

Cut pieces layed out, ready to be sewn together (I think is the best part)
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Cutting fabric with Freezer Paper pattern
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Adobe Illustrator sketch
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Printout, trased onto freezer paper, colored, some lines are modified
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The Center Rose before I cut it to fit my Design
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Started November, 2006

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