flippytale's STASHbusting (works in progress)

I am an artist, so I've started a lot of "good ideas" that have turned out to not be that at all. Some are still good, but I lost momentum by either getting bored with the work or distracted by a new more exciting idea. All of that is okay, but now so many of my UFOs are taking up space. It is time to clear the playing field.... (or be buried under a pile of partially sewn fabric)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

100 Yard Stash Bust 2006

Whoo-Hoo! I just added up how much fabric I used on this quilt and the last on and I surpassed my goal for this year buy more than double!!!!
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So, I reset the ticker to "0" and will do it again for 2007.

Now, can I finish any actual quilts????


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